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Act Now - Sign your name to let Secretary Nominee Brooke Rollins know that diversification of ag production needs to be a priority


As you know, farm policy has been stagnant in the US and our leaders must act in the new year to ensure that farmers and ranchers are able to remain profitable and resilient. To this end, I hope you will consider signing a letter to the USDA Secretary Nominee Brooke Rollins, calling for her to make diversification of agricultural production a priority initiative for the Department over the next four years. We recognize that there are numerous barriers facing those who wish to diversify their operations, including the need to develop new markets and infrastructure as well as the lack of appropriate risk management tools and technical assistance. We know that USDA can address these issues.


There are many challenges facing U.S. Agriculture, and we do not ask that USDA make this its sole focus. However, just as USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue, in the previous Trump Administration, made innovation a multi-agency priority for the Department, and soil health a priority for NRCS, we believe that an initiative focused on diversification would provide opportunities for our operations to become more economically resilient and productive.


Please consider signing the letter and sharing it with your fellow farmers and ranchers and asking them to share it with their networks as well.


Signatures are requested by January 15.


Thank you for your consideration,

 Chuck Anderas

Associate Policy Director

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute


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