Wisconsin Grazing Coalition
Advancing Managed Grazing for a Vibrant Wisconsin
After nearly four decades of focus, innovation, and rural leadership by entrepreneurial graziers, the good news about grassland agriculture – the well-managed grazing of animals on perennial grasslands – is beginning to break through. New research confirms that more grazing farms and more acres under perennial cover means cleaner water, healthier soils with more stored carbon, more pollinators and more grassland birds. There’s excitement in the air, and we’re seeing evidence building all across Wisconsin. The time is now for bringing this change about faster and at a bigger scale.

About Us
The Wisconsin Grazing Coalition (WGC) is dedicated to advancing managed grazing practices across Wisconsin to build thriving rural communities, healthier ecosystems, and more resilient food systems. Formed through decades of grassroots innovation and leadership, the WGC is a collaborative network of local, regional, state, and national organizations and individuals working together to amplify the benefits of well-managed grazing.
From improving water quality and soil health to supporting farmer livelihoods and combating climate change, WGC envisions a society where grazing plays a key role in Wisconsin’s agricultural and environmental success.
The Wisconsin Grazing Coalition promotes managed grazing in Wisconsin through engagement, advocacy, and organizing to cultivate economically, environmentally, and socially thriving communities.
We envision a society that values and supports managed grazing and grasslands for their contributions to:
Rural community vitality
Farmer livelihoods
Healthy and resilient food production
Clean water and soil health
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Increased biodiversity

Key Goals
The Wisconsin Grazing Coalition advances managed grazing through the following initiatives:
Improving Grazing Practices: Increase adoption and enhance management of grazing on farms statewide.
Advocacy: Champion effective and equitable implementation of grazing-related programs and policies.
Reforming the Farm Safety Net: Advocate for reforms to crop insurance, subsidies, and financing to better support grazers.
Farmer Assistance: Provide financial and technical support for graziers to implement sustainable practices.
Market Development: Build supply chains, processing capacity, and consumer markets for grass-fed products.
Education and Outreach: Host conferences, field days, and beginning farmer programs to share knowledge and expertise.
Equity and Access: Create pathways for BIPOC, beginning, and under-resourced farmers to access land and opportunities in grazing.

Take Action
Join the movement to advance managed grazing in Wisconsin!
Here’s how you can get involved:
Join the Coalition: Submit a membership application and help shape the future of grazing in Wisconsin.
Participate in Events: Attend field days, conferences, and workshops to learn more and connect with like-minded advocates.
Advocate for Policy Change: Work with us to educate decision-makers on the benefits of managed grazing.
Spread the Word: Share success stories, resources, and WGC updates on your networks and social media platforms.
WGC is an initiative with partnership, leadership, and guidance from: :
Audubon Great Lakes
Clean Wisconsin
Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Ducks Unlimited
Glacierland RC&D
Golden Sands RC&D
Grassland 2.0
Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition
Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Agriculture
Iowa County LCD
Marathon County Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Department
Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
Wisconsin NRCS
Organic Valley
Pheasants Forever
Rural Climate Partnership
Sand County Foundation
Sauk County LCD
The Nature Conservancy
UW Extension
UW Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Wallace Center Pasture Project
Wisconsin Farmers Union
Wisconsin Land+Water