Ducks in a Row Family Farm
Ducks in a Row Family Farm
About the Farm
Nadia Alber and Chad Backes run a small, diverse family farm.
There, they raise 100% grass-fed lamb (and yarn/fiber) and
rotationally graze a herd of 55-75 Jacob sheep. They also
raise their own pastured chicken and ducks for eggs, as well as raise heritage, pastured, and soy-free pork. They also grow a large selection of organic vegetables. In addition to diversifying their production, Nadia and Chad cover 95% of their land in perennial grasses, and no-till drill legumes and forbs into their pasture every 3-4 years.
You can reach them directly or find them at various farmers' markets in Dane and Iowa County, where they sell their produce, individual products/cuts, and whole/half animals.
Visit Ducks in a Row Family Farm for more information.